Armando L. Caro Jr.
Bio Research Publications Software Resume Pictures Contact Info

  • webAlbum 2.4 [ Download | Screenshot1 | Screenshot2 | Screenshot3 | Screenshot4 | Changes | Install | Usage | Bugs ]
      webAlbum is a bash script to automatically generate a web-based photo & video album for publishing online and/or archiving on disk/CDs. The generated HTML pages do not require any scripting support for viewing. The script includes video support, automatic thumbnailing & resizing, image rotation, captioning support, and CD preparation for Windows autorun. The resulting album is a hierarchical tree structure of "albums" and "collections" of albums with an intuitive navigation system. The "albums" are located at the leaves of the tree, and consist of a thumbnail page and a page for each individual image/video (with its caption and file information). The "collections" are located at the interior nodes of the tree, and consist of a single page that lists (with representative icons and comments) all of its "albums" and nested "collections". The colors and image sizes are configurable.

      See the latest events in my Pictures section for example(s). Comments and patches welcome!

  • SCTP module 3.5 for ns-2 [ Download | Manual | FAQ | Changes | Bugs | Credits ]
  • SCTP module for tcpdump [ Download ]
      SCTP is supported in tcpdump versions 3.7 or greater. I had a somewhat minor role in the development of the SCTP decoding module for tcpdump. Jerry Heinz did much of the leg work, while John Fiore and I contributed bug fixes, etc.
  • Linux Help and XFree86 patches & configs for IBM Thinkpad 750Cs
      I played around with Linux on an IBM Thinkpad 750Cs in 1999-2001 (yes, it was old even then with a 50Mhz processor, 12Mb of RAM, and 300MB hard drive). It was fun, and I learned a lot trying to get a minimal install that included X. I first installed Slackware Linux 3.5, kernel 2.0.34 (libc5 based) with XFree86 3.3.2. Later I installed Debian Linux 2.2, kernel 2.2.17 (libc6 or glibc based) with XFree86 3.3.6.

  • Armando L. Caro, Jr.